The work of Christian rebuilding and reconstruction takes place in the streets and in the hearts and minds of the people. This website has been publishing at least eight years seeking to promote godly and more obedient Christian living by exposing the lawlessness of the state and its employees. It seeks to empower you to help the people around you who are struggling with abusive police, evil courts, harassment by officials and indifference by what one judge calls the “latitudinarian constabulary.”
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
The link tail below shows how lococentric news reporting and analysis on the Tennessee Transportation Administrative Notice project has developed a rich body of material for review and consideration. The goal of this project is to end Jim Crow by the police use of the shipping law misapplied to private users of the road.
I am crowdfunding this labor to fight for the people — heading into court to litigate the state-caused economic depression and its medical technotyranny under the CV-19 panic. But after that are other cases that will force the overthrow of Jim Crow — racial harassment starting with blacks and the poor — and compel the state to end the abuse of “traffic stops,” as they are euphemistically called.