The release date for Tennesseans from Gov. Bill Lee’s illegal and unconstitutional state of emergency is in the hands of a Hamilton County judge.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
She swears to be committed to the “constitution of the United States of America” and also to the “constitution of the State of Tennessee.”
I put these in quote marks because there has been within the past 150 years a conversion of the organic states into corporations overseeing what I call commercial government. The Tennessee constitution protecting us is not the same as the one written by the founders and revisors.
Nonetheless, the CV-19 state of emergency has created a coronavirus medical state of disaster statewide, with future injuries promised by the governor, who is under pressure from various lobbies and, last week, the Germantown town council to impose a statewide “mask mandate” as the “case numbers” are said to be rising.
Judge Fleenor has before her a petition for writ of mandamus case representing the state of Tennessee and her people, one brought on my relation as their representative. It is aimed at two key lawbreakers in the abrogation of the constitution.
The main one is Gov. Bill Lee. The second is his handmaiden in Hamilton County, the administrator of the health department Becky Barnes.
Chancellor Fleenor promises to “administer justice without respect of persons” and that she will “faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties Incumbent upon me as chancellor.”
The problem of respect of persons has become evident in the two months this case has been before her. It is 46 days she has had my case and is promising to do absolutely nothing in the emergency petition demanding immediate attention until 61 days after my Oct. 2 filing.
She has set a hearing date prejudicially and partially for Dec. 2, 15 days from now.
Bias and partiality are a grievous offense in deciding right and wrong, in bringing peace between warring parties. Partiality makes a judge incapable of designing the right from the wrong and clouds that judges duty to uphold equity and Justice.
Chancery court is an equity court and is a marvellous institution committed to discerning the law in the facts.
Governing the relations of the state and its employees and the people is the constitution. That is, as it were, the controlling covenant and contract. The lawsuit of the state on my relation empowers her to right the wrong, the bring the remedy to a grievous legal injury and catastrophic breach in commerce and travel caused by these employees.
She is under oath. She is required to be just. And here, in naming a hearing date, is granting an audience to parties that are in breach of state law, in breach of court rules in answer myi complaint, in breach of their oaths, in breach of the division of government, in abrogation and nullification, as if it were, of our God-given constitutionally guaranteed unalienable and inherent rights.
If Judge Fleenor’s oath means anything, she has no choice but to perform a ministerial and nonoptional duty of issuing the writ. The writ simply orders the governor to obey Tenn. Code Ann. Title 68-5-104.
That’s it.
It’s that simple. Order a lawbreaking governor IMMEDIATELY to obey STATE LAW. Such an order throws out the window all his pretended mitigation measures that enforced a depression on the state’ people and economy in March — the worst disaster of its kind in state history, without precedent as to its damage.
I am demanding Judge Fleenor obey her oath of office, and get to the state’s and the people’s business, and l order malefactor Barnes and evildoer Lee to straighten up, stick to the law and stop abusing the people.
The CV-19 virus, such as it is, will take care of itself, as have viruses and flus every year in multiple succession.
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The CV-19 virus will take care of itself.
Thank you. Take care, Mr. Tulis.