Yesterday after filing a blizzard of motions, notices and decrees in the court Thursday with mailing copies to Gov. Lee and Becky Barnes, I had one more little assignment to get the attention of the court as to the emergency nature of the petition for writ of mandamus.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
I had asked clerk Julia Jones to stamp an extra set of default documents.

They were clipped together and united with a large clip. I intended to deliver these to chancery judge Pamela Fleenor in person, to avoid even a minute’s delay in her seeing them.
I crossed over to the doorway of the actual court. Once inside, on left and right, are the courtrooms — one for judge Jeff Atherton. The other, for Pamela Fleenor.
I went down to the end of a hallway to a phone on the wall. It began ringing the moment I put the headset to my right ear.
I asked for Dee, Judge Fleenor”’s legal aid. I had said I didn’t want a moment’s delay in Judge Fleenor getting the filings on default — not a minute.
Hogue delivers defaults to judge in person
A voice said she was out. I demanded to see someone so I could pass documents for the judge. As I was on the phone, a court guard came through.
What do you want? asked Kenneth Hogue, an armed clerk and master security guard.
“I would like those to go to the judge, and I would like whoever takes it to sign for it.”
He agreed to take my duplicate filings beyond the door.
He came back, saying he had handed Judge Fleenor the default filings against Gov. Lee and Becky Barnes.
I said I thought I recognized him. “I worked for Judge Poole for seven years. My dad retired from here, and I have his job. Do you want me to print me name, or — ? ”
“Yessir,” I said.
We have to pray for this judge, because the writ will overturn everything around her, including her superiors’ edicts on court policy, issued yesterday.