A chembow lights up the sky over Chattanooga at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, giving fresh evidence of jet-sprayed particulate matter in the skies of Hamilton County, Tenn. Thus far the only county official to recognize a possible negative consequence for the people below is Commissioner Sabrina Smedley.
Steams of microscopic trash trail away from a recently deposited jet cloud over my house in Soddy-Daisy on Dec. 9, 2016. (Photo David Tulis)

Sky stripes that are part of the federal weather war muzzy up the skies over Chattanooga, as seen from my back yard looking south toward the city. (Photo David Tulis)

Weather modification relies on millions of tons of coal fly ash and other waste materials to be deposited into the sky to alter wind patterns, storm development and precipitation rates. (Photo Facebook)

A view from Northgate mall in Chattanooga of coordinated steaks of ash injected by jets. They are part of a highly visible but secret U.S. program that environmentalists say will end with criminal trials of state actors and accomplices. (Photo David Tulis)

Bizarre aerial phenomenon of the U.S. weather program include clouds such as this one over Knoxville. (Photo Marla Stair-Wood)

The Alps of Switzerland are put into their place in a reflectivity contest, with policy skies the winner in being the first to deflect sunlight back into space. (Photo Sebastien Petitpierre, Chemtrails Suisse Verite)

Contrails are quickly dissipating trails behind high-flying jets. But sky stripes are dust and chemical deposits that take time to dissipate over a large area. (Photo Finoa Parsons, Chemtrails Global Skywatch)

Western governments and “deep states” in national capitals participate or allow geoengineering over their lands and peoples, as here in Mogadouro, Portugal. Impetus for the weathering-altering practice is Washington, D.C. (Photo Carlos Lorenzo, geoengineeringwatch.org)
A chembo is a chemical rainbow, made the same way as are rainbows, with sunlight refracting through floating speckles of water. The brilliance of the chembo’s brief appearance in the west sky over Signal Mountain was a first.
Jets traced the sky Wednesday much of the day, laying parallel rows of cloud in the morning and a messy series of streaks in the later afternoon. The dust is pollutive and harmful, but might be considered differently when one considers it source as the government itself through its air force and its purported war against global warming, also known as “climate change.”
By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 AM 101.1 FM
Government involvement, for some people, guarantees the harmlessness or benefit of an intervention.
The chembo lasted five minutes before vanishing. It lit up the sky amid streaks nearby in my field of vision from a hilltop in Soddy-Daisy.
Tons of dust over the ‘Environmental City’
Wednesday was the second day for which Chattanoogans could see evidence of aerosol geoengineering of the white and gray particulate. Jets also tattooed the sky Dec. 2. With much rain in the past few days, it was impossible to tell with observation whether jets were streaking the skies above the tropospheric or lower atmosphereic weather patterns that brought drought relief.
In November jets poured out tons of white dust 11 days, as follows; Nov. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 15, 17, 22, 28, 30.
October treatments were 10 days, namely: 4, 10, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 29, 30, 31.
There is no indication that the coming of Donald Trump in the White House will do anything to stop the program. Once he has secret meetings with miltiary brass the day after inauguration, Mr. Trump will be told the program cannot be stopped because to do so would cause a massive spike in global temperatures.
The prospect of a terrifying and sudden spike in temps is mentioned as a warning in the scientific literature regarding aerosol geoengineering. Atmospheric science appears to be largely subservient to the U.S. government through grants and subsidies.
According to Dr. Marvin Herndon of San Diego, the particulate has traces of aluminum, strontium or barium, which are regular ingredients in talcum powderlike coal fly ash from coal-burning electricity plants. About half of this form of utility waste is recycled, according to a trade group. Coal fly ash is recycled in things such as particle board and roadways. The government buys coal fly ash through intermediaries in a process upon which no media reports have yet been filed.
Millions of tons have been spread by repeated dosings, Dr. Herndon says, in a program guided by weather projections, software models, storm management theories and certainly other interests.
Chembos are brilliant in a single spot. The program overall, arguably, seeks to create a more generalized brilliance of the atmosphere under the assumption that brighter clouds reflect sunlight and thereby keep keep parts of the planet cooler. Albedo is reflectivity, so the program is called “albedo enhancement” or solar radiation management. Theoretically, if albedo increases over areas of city, land or or dark ocean surface, the planet won’t “overheat.”
But environmentalists who criticize the program blame rising global temperatures on the millions of square miles of artificial clouds that trap heat at nighttime.
Startling weather patterns

A record hail event buries cars in Bogata, Colombia, February 2015. (Photo Geoengineeringwatch.org)

Ice balls like these off Siberia rolling up on shores suggest weather interventions, which have included ice nucleation events that slaughter thousands of cattle in the Western U.S. (Photo Ekaterina Chernykh, Geoengineeringwatch.org)
Dr. Herndon another’s points out having artificial clouds affects precipitation and wind patterns, causing droughts in one place, floods in another, extraordinary lighting, hail and storm events such as those being commonly reported in the past three years. These include anything from beaches full of ice balls as in Siberia and Lake Michigan in 2014 and hail storms that cover cars and jam streets in Quito, Ecuador, and Bogata, Colombia in February 2015.
In recent weeks there have been extraordinary weather developments led by the mass illnesses in Australia from a storm that followed up on heavy chemtrailing over Melbourne.
Freakish storm sickens 8,500 people
A heavy rainstorm Nov. 21 in Melbourne, Australia, prompted thousands of people to seek medical treatment following heavy aerial treatment of the skies by jet traffic just before the storm hit.
More than 8,500 received hospital treatment that overwhelmed medical services in the city of 4.5 million people. Six people died, while five people remained in intensive care. Twelve others a week later were still ailing to a lesser degree from a phenomenon called thunderstorm asthma. “Monday’s storm caused rain-sodden ryegrass pollen grains to explode and disperse over the city, with tiny pollen particles penetrating deep into lungs,” according to a report. “Around a third of patients who suffered asthma attacks on Monday reported never having asthma before.”
The skies over Melbourne were reported to have been treated by sky stripes just before the storm rolled in. Such conditions are entirely new, and may reasonably be considered collateral damage to weather interventions.
A chemtrail jet circles; all Denver looks up
A jet made racetrack circles around Denver on Nov. 16, drawing so much notice that a mainstream media TV station filed a report about the “mystery flight.”
“After spending time making its loops, the aircraft then took off in a direct path to Oklahoma, without any record of stopping.
“Denver7 reached out to a host of official sources in an attempt to learn more about the flight, but sources couldn’t confirm many details at all.”
“Public Information Officers at several Air Force Bases were able to confirm that such a flight maneuver suggests the plane is indeed a military plane, and may have refueled while in the air over Denver.
“Officials at Buckley Air Force Base say it never checked in with towers on the base, and did not land at the base, despite flying over the base’s airspace.
“Further research into the plane’s title of IRON99 turned up bases in the northeastern part of the nation that frequently give out the title of IRON to their military flights, however the title is usually reserved for T-38 aircraft, which are distinctly painted black when flying.”
“When looking into IRON99, it appeared the flight had only communicated with the U.S. Army, and had no public communications available, as many commercial flights often do.
When contacting the military, including both U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) and United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM), neither organization could confirm the identity of the plane, or even locate it.”
The reporter said NORAD “investigated” the flight but “couldn’t locate the flight or confirm its existence.”
Debate on future geoengineering methods
Sky striping emissions as a matter of national security have been in process for many years and appear to have increased in intensity under President Obama. But academicians, many of them no doubt enjoying security clearances, talk about weather-altering sky tattoos as purely projected and theoretical, as if no state entity has ever tried to alter weather or test cloud-making ingredients.
An extensive literature is available already on weather modification. Weather management science has been national policy at least since President John F. Kennedy’s weather speech before the United Nations.
In a summer conference at MIT on “forbidden research,” aerosol geoengineering is defended as a righteous cause under taboo by a key backer from Harvard University.
From a Bloomberg column about the event, scientists said “how they could inject aerosol particles into the upper atmosphere in an attempt to cool the globe by causing the atmosphere to reflect more sunlight. The moderator, Stuart Brand of Whole Earth Catalog fame, labelled it ‘hacking the entire planet.’ The panelists, Harvard physicist David Keith and Harvard economist Gernot Wagner, said what they saw as the biggest objection is what they call “moral hazard” — the fear that people would see this form of so-called geoengineering as a safety net and consider it a license to continue to emit greenhouse gases.
“Getting the aerosol particles up there can be done relatively inexpensively” was presented as a plus. “On the minus side, the scientists don’t know the full effect they would have on winds, humidity or extreme weather events. The particles might damage the ozone layer without some additional mitigating factor.” Keith said “small-scale, reversible experiments” could be tried.
Fruity ideas to alter the weather have met with critical analyses. Large-scale geoengineering may include pouring nutrients into oceans to save coral habitats or spraying tiny particles into the Earth’s atmosphere to reflect sun rays back into space.” Many of these ideas, says Bloomberg, “have been shunned because of their unpredictable consequences on global ecosystems. *** geoengineering ideas were hazardous, costly or unrealistic.”
A scientist in Great Britain rejects theoretical methods in geoengineering to reduce global temperatures, favoring instead on laws to reduce emissions.
Phil Williamson, a scientist at the University of East Anglia in the U.K., examined the ecological effect of a number of proposed methods known as “geoengineering” and concluded none would work at a large scale without huge risks for the planet. “We have to concentrate on reducing emissions,” Williamson said. “We could cool the world in all sorts of weird and wacky ways that seem like they could be technically possible, but whether they will actually work on a large scale is a big question and what kind of disruptions they would cause is another.” A Bloomberg account of his analysis does not mention sky striping.