Every Friday morning in Hixson I attend Panera Posse, a group of homeschool dads who love children, work, free markets, constitutional liberty and ideas. We talk, gulp coffee and …
Christianity is a system of belief and life that will reshape human society and in large measure reorganize nations and kingdoms before the last day. That is a promise …
This hurried talk is a 10-minute elevator pitch for coming financial disaster, and a 10-minute elevator pitch that is the solution: Local economy and free markets. David Tulis sketches …
Christians and others are doing important work to develop the ideas we explore here and on AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio on the David Tulis program. Among those …
Evidence of the free money boom is everywhere. In Hixson north of Northgate Mall are new developments. One of them is by Scott Hale of Anchor Commercial Development. The …
The handcuffing and arrest of 10 elementary school children in Murfreesboro, Tenn., during school on April 15 is a picture of the religious presuppositions of the modern state. Their …
An important benefit of homeschooling is that it abolishes the terrifying negative of age segregation common in institutional settings. Home education lets boys and girls interact and take part …
It’s no slight matter that the legal status of Christians is increasingly under attack and that the immunities of state actors and parties favored by the state are increasing. …