Local researcher Karen Bracken tells Chattanooga tea party members why common core is a threat to the thin vestiges of local control of public schools. Eli Whitney is famous …
Face it: Americans always turn everything into an industry, even religion. Nowhere is this truer than with poverty and prison. Both have been converted to big industries that feed …
Several times each night an advertisement comes on television with a young bearded father sitting on the back of a pickup truck with a gun on his lap. He …
By David Tulis My family’s house near the top of a little paradise called Brick Hill is surrounded by forestland. Beyond the surveyor’s posts is wild land owned by …
Sen. Mae Beaver’s bill to penalize federal enforcement of anti-gun owner laws staggered in the Tennessee General Assembly. But she is taken up her jealousy for the rights of …
Tonight a son asks me to look over papers he will submit to a corporate employer. The arrangement for him to make sandwiches for you and other customers brings …
Localism vs. the grandeur of Washington Last night when I came upstairs my wife, Jeannette, was sitting at the foot of the bed doing chores to prepare for today’s …
President Obama today begins a potentially lethal economic pressure against a chain of hobby supply stores run by a Christian family, insisting the owners of Hobby Lobby are not …