Lee Pope is the counsel for the office of open records counsel, part of state government, and he says whether the Tennessee judicial conference is open to the public …
America relies on hospitals. When faced with catastrophe we expect them to have the best medical advice and best trained personnel. By John Anthony / Sustainable Freedom Lab Increasingly, …
Judge Pam Fleenor, in a lawsuit ignored by the establishment press in Tennessee, says there is nothing justiciable in my claim representing the state and its 6.8 million people. …
The doctrine of the lesser magistrate — a biblical concept — is gaining in Tennessee as the state house speaker Cameron Sexton, a Republican from Crossville, files a resolution …
Government in Tennessee plays a game against the people in the state’s for-profit policing scheme developed around the creation of the driver license just before World War II. Take …
Attorney general Merrick Garland is meeting now with federal agencies to launch a war against moms and others active in hammering school boards about masks, crooked curricula and other …
Magistrates, that have power to protect those that are injured, if they neglect to redress their grievances are really guilty of inflicting them. — Matthew Henry, commentary on Jepthah, …
A homeschool grad who took mock trial as a teenager has failed in a bid to overthrow the abusive Virginia uniform summons, a document used in criminal cases by …