The third bill filed this year in the Tennessee general assembly’s upper chamber is full of good intentions. Bill no. 3 is described under the truth-in-labeling rule as “an …
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants …
Andrae McGary is a Chattanooga city councilman, a homeschooling father of five young children, a former talk radio host at WGOW, a Presbyterian seminarian who converted to Roman Catholicism …
Julie Baumgardner of Chattanooga’s First Things First gives friendly advice about four important times of day in which you should connect with your wife or husband. Jeannette and I …
Bonnie Bryant lived 63 years in a log cabin near Soddy Lake in North Hamilton County. The cabin appears in a painting by Susan Wilhoit, another Tennessean, that hangs …
How does the free market defender make his case for the continuation of freedom, liberty, and capitalism against an unknown, but certainly changing future? What is the basis of …
A bill before the Tennessee senate would let the people’s elected representatives take a stand on the integrity of the state of Tennessee as a political entity. The boundary …
Localism vs. the grandeur of Washington Last night when I came upstairs my wife, Jeannette, was sitting at the foot of the bed doing chores to prepare for today’s …