February 10, 2014

February 9, 2014
How organic, living society is pressed down into passivity
By David Tulis Tyranny. Despotism. Words such as these are frequently on the lips of people. Many people who agree with the Christian and libertarian critique of federal misgovernment …

February 6, 2014
Homeowner cited to court should use defense of poetry
By David Tulis Dear Elizabeth, just having come across your story, I am not sure of its parts nor how exactly the man writing the citation perceives your backyard …

February 5, 2014
Haslam’s college-for-free offends free market, is not a real liberty
By David Tulis Gov. Bill Haslam’s plan to give away two years of community college schooling at state expense smells of good intentions disconnected to marketplace principles that bring …

February 4, 2014
How spoils system would make city, county more responsive to voters
By David Tulis Why do you vote? Is it possible that when you vote you are agreeing to take part in a system in which your representative by election …

February 3, 2014
Abu Ghraib treatment in Tennessee jail as restrained man gassed
This video by Rutherford (Tenn.) Beacon posted on YouTube is said to show deputy James Vandermeer gassing a fully restrained arrestee while his female coworker pulls away to avoid …

February 2, 2014
Volunteers seek to create spiritual capital among despairing city youth
By David Tulis Every Valley Leadership Academy is an effort that arose from conversations between two regulars at the Dead Theologians Society, a local group that studies the writings …

February 1, 2014
Office Depot urges you to win points by trading on Lord’s Day
By David Tulis Two national companies care about the Lord’s Day. Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby were founded by Christian people mindful about God’s claim on the first day of …