Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream Chattanooga’s domestic partnership ordinance is highly discriminatory. It reduces the value of marriage, making of it nothing more than a convenient and moralistic …
By David Tulis The arguments in Chattanooga to keep its gay benefits ordinance are premised on a sleight of hand. It is said that the benefits are of slight …
By David Tulis Chattanoogans have the liberty in early voting and on Aug. 7 to vote on marriage. Yes, marriage itself is the subject of the domestic partnership referendum. …
By David Tulis Before the voters today stands a city council ordinance that homosexuals and their sympathizers insist is simply about equal pay for equal work. Taxpayers should be …
By David Tulis The operative theory of the U.S. military’s sky striping program is simple. Serve the national fad of global warming by an active — albeit secret — …
By David Tulis / Meet Bob Colby, the director of the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau whose work is paid for by Chattanooga, Tenn.,-area taxpayers but whose …
By Jeannette Tulis Three years ago I was seeing how screen experiences and real life experiences were becoming a bit of a muddle in my children’s minds. I did …
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream Because Americans reject a particular theory of government, they have no choice but to accept the civil magistrate in his role as chief …