July 22, 2015
July 17, 2015
Civilizations clash in Chattanooga paramilitary attack
Here’s my free market and cultural analysis putting the paramilitary attack in Chattanooga into a helpful perspective. AM 1240 Hot News Talk Radio is the only media outlet that …
July 8, 2015
Pro-gay ‘discrimination’ city code update will crimp souls, ricochet
Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? — Matthew 7:16 By David Tulis The rainbow cult in city government wishes to toughen its discrimination bans, a …
July 6, 2015
What ‘gay marriage’ did to Massachussetts
July 2, 2015
The peril of marrying under state license vs. liberty of common law union
By Matt Trewhella Every year thousands of Christians amble down to their local county courthouse and obtain a marriage license from the state in order to marry their future …
July 2, 2015
To exercise a form of marriage that no gay can enjoy, go to Bridgeport, Ala.
By David Tulis The federal high court’s endorsement of “gay marriage” puts a spotlight on a caprice of the modern state. Namely, its asserted authority to redefine words and …
June 29, 2015
By magic, U.S. elites prop ideal society
June 29, 2015
Passive, pessimistic city pulpits face invigorating conflict
By Bojidar Marinov / From Axe to the Root For anyone who has followed and understands the relationship between church leadership and civil government in the U.S. in the …