Members of the city council voted unanimously to buy 500 body armor inserts for $109,000. The inserts will provide police officers protection against rifle bullets. The bulking up of …
Boys, the world is filled with injustice and abuse. Now there are two kinds of abuse. One kind can be accounted for by the fall and that men are …
They are more dangerous to America then “radical Islamic extremist terrorists” and they are meeting in Philly this week. Democrats, the party or unborn baby murderers (abortion is included …
Does your will sometimes keep you out of tune with your surroundings? I am importing cheap worldly interests into a remarkable setting and depriving myself of human contact and …
(PRNewswire, July 14, 2016) — Across the United States, Canada and other Western countries, clear azure blue skies are a thing of the past. Our skies are now often …
Constitutional attorney Edwin Vieira says it is mistaken to argue that police departments be disarmed, as free market commentators such as Dr. Gary North have suggested. Constitutional government has …
In a victory for health-minded customers, a water board votes to eliminate fluoride from its treatment process. The Northwest Utility District, which covers Soddy Daisy, Sale Creek and little …
Overseers of the North West Utility District in Soddy-Daisy are hearing from members of the public about fluoridation, a longstanding program that costs every ratepayer mere F$3 a year …