Chattanooga police acting chief David Roddy admires machine guns belonging to the federal military. Local base commander White is at left. (Photo, Fred Fletcher Twitter) Mayor Andy Berke is …
The TVA traffic enforcement story is raising alarm because it suggests how far down the state has sunk and, with it, its people. By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 …
An important avenue in which we can, and must, currently work to restore the principles of liberty is through jury nullification. This practice, once widely accepted among Christian and early …
Dane Wigington explains aerosol geoenginering, top video, while David Tulis listens to Dr. Marvin Herndon of San Diego in a radio interview. Dr. Herndon in 2015 made a major …
Tennessee law appears to allow for TVA officers to enforce Tennessee commercial and criminal statutes against people along the highways and byways of Hamilton or any other of the state’s …
A TVA spokesman says there is no limit on federal jurisdiction by agency cops, who are now performing traffic enforcement stops in police cars disguised as private vehicles. (Courtesy …
The arrest Saturday of a family by TVA on the public right away has shocked many people who were unaware of the use of federal unmarked cars to enforce …
A federal utility that specializes in burning coal for electricity is lighting a hot one under the seats of travelers and motorists who are being pulled over in traffic …