By Michelle Reneau In case you missed it, released an inflammatory & slanderous article last week about Weekly Fig that made us look like a company which processes raw meat …
I’m to the point I think the arrest for a pro-rated possible tax debt of a penny a day for some single day when the tax receipt is to …
The City of Red Bank, Tenn., neighbor of Chattanooga, has long had a reputation of police violence and crookedness. I cannot repeat things I’ve heard about police officers’ selling …
A Tennessee driver license costs F$19.50 to renew and it remains “valid” for eight years. That’s 2,920 days for a Class D license, or 0.6678 cents a day. Slightly …
Dear Gov. Lee, An inmate at Morgan County Correctional Complex in Wartburg is giving me disturbing news about lack of access to legal materials needed to pursue his claims …
The prosecution of Diana Watt in a transportation stop in Chattanooga is troubling because sessions court is showing favoritism and respect of person for the state actor who is …
Tonight I write an angry letter to city council member Demetrus Coonrod urging an awakening of Christian or moral conscience on behalf of the citizenry of Tennessee who inhabit …
A woman who was charged in a viral 2018 arrest in Chattanooga is refusing to cooperate with police and prosecutors by yielding her rights and entering a plea deal. …