CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., May 8, 2019 — A Chattanooga woman today makes an appearance in a Dalton, Ga., municipal court to clear up the suspension of her driver license. By …
City council is weighing an ordinance to take possession of the dockless electric scooter market coming to Chattanooga. The 13-page ordinance in a first reading passed by one vote, …
It causes me great concern that the Tennessee General Assembly is derelict in its duty, and in treason to the constitution sworn by members to uphold and ignores my …
For mayors and sheriffs, it’s easy to turn a bad practice into a morally neutral policy option. But is it just and right? The deafness of Hamilton County Sheriff …
NASHVILLE, April 20, 2019 — The system of checks and balances in our government was developed to ensure that no one branch of government would become too powerful. By …
Sessions court judge Lila Statom delays a hearing in a criminal case in which the legal establishment is assailing the right of free communication and movement among the working …
John H. Thompson, Director United States Census Bureau 4600 Silver Hill Road Washington,