Common-law marriage is marriage as a matter of right and not marriage as a state-granted privilege. If we are to restore marriage in America and in practice in Tennessee, …
“I demand all of my rights at all times, waive none of my rights at any time, including my right to time.” By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio So …
One person can ban another person from using private property by lobbying a neighborhood “leader” or “association” to vote now as a private collective and prohibit Airbnb.
District attorney Neal Pinkston is loyal to the leading black robes in his tribe, the judges on the courts of appeal and in the supreme court. He is a …
Because the state has an interest in maintaining a policy denying the people their right of free communication and movement, it works to confuse the vocabulary and terminology its …
Constructive possession of meth. Driving on suspended. Using a road when a sidewalk is available. Driving on revoked. These are criminal charges in four Tennessee cases that share a …
The Stasi-like operations of various state offices are not according to politburo rules, strictly adhering to policies written out in excruciating detail. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio They …
I propose a county government ask Sheriff Jim Hammond to comply with the TN shipping and transportation law— one used routinely to harass the poor, blacks, immigrants and others …