As a broadcast journalist I try to help my listeners solve their problems. Here’s one that may bring fruit, depending on the openness of people in the sheriff’s department …
“History shows that governments sometimes seek to regulate our lives finely, acutely, thoroughly, and exhaustively. In our own time and place, criminal laws have grown so exuberantly and come …
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., June 13, 2019 — Jon Luman has a hearing or trial today in the court of sessions Judge Lila Statom, a jurist who has at heart more …
It’s not good enough, but it’s legal. It’s legal for the State of Tennessee to require criminal defendants such as Jimmy Lee Moore and Jon Luman to go to …
Sylvester Harris, a tough-talking former iron worker, is joining the civilian police oversight board in Chattanooga and expresses concern about the training of police officers that draws them toward …
I have been thinking about the tribulations of Jimmy Lee Moore, who is facing a hearing in the sessions court of Christie Mahn Sell in Hamilton County, Tenn., on …
CHATTANOOGA, June 4, 2019 — City council tonight skips socialism a second time in what I would like to think is an intentional preference for an open city rather …
On May 15 Jimmy Lee Moore was thrown to the floor of the Hamilton County Jail in downtown Chattanooga after he uttered objections to being transported by the government …