An Examination of Whether Prosecuting Attorneys and Courts Have Been Corrupted to Protect Illicit Revenue Streams to Local Governmental Bodies Generated Through Unauthorized Law Enforcement Actions JACKSON, Tenn. — …
Dear David, Here’s a list of my skills: carpentry, administrative work, roofing, demolition, painting, taxi driver, forklift operator. I can do whatever I’m shown because I’ve got the ability …
A teenager who lives down the road from you does a great job mowing your lawn. You engaged him last summer for the second year to chop and trim …
It has been 666 days since I gave Sheriff Jim Hammond transportation administrative notice, intended to halt the operation of Jim-Crow policing that has been commonplace in Hamilton County …
Tennessee law allows a highway patrol officer to stop someone apart from any perceived or alleged offense for the “sole purpose” of checking that person’s driver license. How is …
The Tennessee Supreme Court appears unconvinced of the value of driver licenses in guaranteeing the safe use of the roads. This skepticism is expressed in the 2001 Chattanooga-area roadblock …
We will appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs, or other officials, only men that know the law of the realm and are minded to keep it well. — The Magna …
FRANKLIN, Tenn. — Eleven Christian ministers from across the state of Tennessee, along with Tennessee Independent Baptists for Religious Liberty, Inc., filed on Nov. 19 a Petition for Declaratory Order with …