I will have to give it to Hamilton County register of deeds Mark Gravitt and county attorney Rheuben Taylor, who have worked in combination to thwart public notice of …
SHELBY COUNTY, Tenn. — Over the weekend, The FreeThought Project reported on an unprecedented move by Rhode Island police and National Guard going door to door to hunt down individuals seeking …
NORCROSS, Ga., March 26, 2020—Georgia Right to Life and other organizations today announced the launch of an on-line petition campaign calling on Gov. Brian Kemp and Attorney General Christopher …
The extralegal activity of mayors and in the Flu 19 epidemic is in the same pattern as their other acts to reject their duty to protect the people in …
Officials in Tennessee are rejecting clear limits in state law, leading to ruin of livelihoods among tens of thousands of people in Chattanooga local economy and beyond. By David …
“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn’t even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking …
If state government goes whole hog for the panic button, it will have to operate in the air, as it were, without its feet planted legally on the ground …