May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020
Citizens demand end to Lee tyranny; suit claims ‘irreparable damage’
Protesters unite against Gov. Bill Lee’s shutdown of the state’s economy in Nashville Sunday afternoon, insisting on their rights to engage in commerce and travel apart from his string …
May 15, 2020
Lockdown violates Romans 13, good medical practice, overturns TN constitution
JONESBOROUGH, Tenn. — Is the COVID 19 pandemic a public health menace so severe and threatening so as to rise to the level of a legitimate providential hindrance to …
May 15, 2020
Sermon with fighting words demands county reopen despite CV-19 panic
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! I am Dr. Jason Garwood and I serve as an elder and teaching pastor of Cross & Crown Church in …
May 14, 2020
State magnet for criminals, gangland-oriented people who join ‘law enforcement’
One thing that backers of the modern state may not realize is that with the expansion of the state’s interest into all areas of life, it also absorbs “criminal …
May 13, 2020
Law granting Lee ‘legislative’ EO powers unconstitutional, says attorney, state house member Griffey
PARIS, Tenn. — Yesterday afternoon, I sent the attached letter to Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery, questioning the legal authority of the governor to issue his series of Executive …
May 13, 2020
State power limited — attorney lays out your rights in CV-19 oppression
No one in the federal government, state government, or local government has any authority to dictate to the general public that they must stay home or that they must …
May 12, 2020
You are free, constitution exists — IF you act as if you believe it
Perhaps I’m being over hasty in reporting the demise of constitutional government. A man who is free will live as a free man, and a confident man under God’s …