Across the country this week crowds and elected officials have called for votes to abolish police and their claim on society and life on the streets. By David Tulis …
Have your name recorded in the annals of history, and the Journal of the Tennessee House of Representatives as a patriot DEMANDING the right of remonstrance be restored to …
Protests against gunmen on the city payroll have prompted eight demands for reform in Chattanooga, some of which heed demands of the Word of God to improve human society. …
Seven days of protests against customary violations of due process rights and justice by city and county employees shows the depth of anger among the people in Chattanooga against …
City government has been on notice for more than two years about criminal acts by Mayor Andy Berke’s police department which the mayor refuses to stop but which city …
Protest organizers in Chattanooga are seeking to channel the vibrant energy and marching sweat of hundreds of people to alter the political landscape so that Mayor Andy Berke next …
Protesters in Chattanooga for a fourth day express anger at a political and legal system that accepts routine abuse of the poor and blacks and has shut its ears …