A Tennessee driver license costs F$19.50 to renew and it remains “valid” for eight years. That’s 2,920 days for a Class D license, or 0.6678 cents a day. Slightly …
The prosecution of Diana Watt in a transportation stop in Chattanooga is troubling because sessions court is showing favoritism and respect of person for the state actor who is …
Tonight I write an angry letter to city council member Demetrus Coonrod urging an awakening of Christian or moral conscience on behalf of the citizenry of Tennessee who inhabit …
Red Bank police are scored by the Tennessee Supreme Court in the prosecution of Chattanooga architect Robert A. Franklin, snared in a Riverbend Festival nighttime roadblock set up on …
The ideas of liberty of movement are worth exploring because they are positive benefit to Chattanooga and Hamilton County and and encouragement of capitalism and entrepreneurship. By David Tulis …
When Haman saw Mordecai in the king’s gate, and that he did not stand or tremble before him, he was filled with indignation against Mordecai. — Esther 5:9 For …
Attorney Robin Flores is a lawyer who regularly engages in lawsuits against cities and counties for abusive police practices. Mr. Flores, also a member of the NAACP, may be …
The toughest question Gino Bennett asks me is, “Are you saying that a person who is committing a violation is not under the authority of our officer?” Mr. Bennett …