Churchian leaders who use Romans 13 to call for obedience to the police are no different than those who call for legalization of sodomite marriage. Such churchian leaders are idolaters, …
The widespread rejection of written law by city and state authorities and the reign of the theory of judicial supremacy tells us that the experiment has failed. The experiment …
City council on Tuesday updates the ordinance pertaining to operators of motor vehicles who use their phones while driving. The update proposed by councilmen Ken Smith and Darrin Ledford …
A nearly universal response to my arguments for halting most “traffic stops” is this: Your system will create mayhem, chaos and death on the road. A common law legal …
I, , being of sound mind and body, testify that I live in Hamilton County, Tenn., and hereby further testify of my mistaken understanding of my rights, and of …
Most people reading this article know what it is like to have the blue and red lights pop up in your rear view mirror. The last thing going through …
LaFAYETTE, Ga. — A growly voiced welder stands with his wife in front of a judge in Walker County and defies the court’s jurisdiction in a traffic prosecution topped …
Free spirited traveling carpenter John Luman of Red Bank appears today before criminal court judge Don Poole to account for his bold use of the public right of way …