Jet-setting former city official David Crockett has picked up qualifying papers for a mayoral bid that promises he would be a busy, activist chief executive focusing on municipal solutions …
Dear Mr. Trump, These days, a lot of people have been asking the Tenth Amendment Center to attack you, and it would be very popular to do so. On …
Lovers of local economy are celebrating today the relief of not having the prospect of Mrs. Clinton at the head of the National Power. She would have been vigorous …
As the mayoral election in Chattanooga gets into gear it is time to ask what city administration can do to help — or to stop hurting — the prospect …
Sen. Todd Gardenhire, a republican, is on the ballot for re-election. He scarcely deserves your notice, even though his Democrat opponent, Khristy Wilkinson, is no doubt worse than he. …
Trump? Clinton? Boys, you’ve been hearing a lot of talk at the table and among parents and adults at church about the coming election. Elections are somewhat like renewing …
“For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in …
For those who have followed past US presidential elections this 2016 campaign has to be one for the ages. The American electorate has seen everything from the rigging of …