Four officials from the city of Dunlap stood in front of the Gaddy house Tuesday morning for eight minutes, waiting to be allowed in for an inspection The refusal …
Carol Gaddy and her husband, Thomas, faced jail Monday in Dunlap, Tenn., as a judge’s deadline for a search of their house tolled just after lunch. Circuit Court judge …
Mayoral candidate Chris Long hinted at a free market solution to homelessness at Friday night’s mayoral debate among the four rivals as former council member Dave Crockett drew hisses …
Mayoral candidate Dave Crockett is 6-foot-5 and until recently wore a Texas 10-gallon hat that makes him even taller in the saddle, more expansive in his travel tales. Mr. …
Andy Berke, trying to keep his job is mayor of Chattanooga, is a typical old school progressive politician whose personal mores reflect his political ethic. Mr. Berke insulates himself …
The candidacy of Dave Crockett for mayor of Chattanooga highlights a problem in the idea of local economy and free markets. To what extent does local economy (free, lococentric, …
Where are local economy and free markets in mayor race? Berke hermetically sealed. Crockett touting giant rail plan. Long insisting on stormwater woes. Grohn pressing grownups’ trade school. (Courtesy …
Used by permission of Mayoral candidate Dave Crockett is remarkable for his breadth of knowledge and his unusual ideas. He says he avoids familiar categories such as left, …