The arrest of Red Bank carpenter John Luman is rife with problems visible in the paperwork of a sheriff’s deputy and the grand jury. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio …
I have been thinking about police power reform in Chattanooga and the forces arrayed against it. These are not forces active against it, but forces that are a picture …
Update: The post was restored this morning roughly at the same time this story was posted. Here is the link. Facebook on Tuesday deleted two posts in which I …
If I were Jon Luman, the Red Bank carpenter, I would file the following motion in the sessions court of Lila Statom, who has his case on the docket …
Hamilton County magistrate Lorrie Miller and the foremen of Hamilton County’s two grand juries are considering today my assertion that the people have a right to be free of …
CHATTANOOGA, July 16, 2019 — This morning I begin my interactions with the Hamilton County grand jury. I come to the courts building to deliver a letter of inquiry …
David Tulis, broadcast journalist at 92.7 NoogaRadio in Chattanooga, interviews John Gentry and hears about the result of his personal inspection of the state’s first two constitutions and his …
The public PDF type-written versions of the Tennessee Constitution posted by the secretary of state on his website and by the general assembly on its website are materially altered. …