Deputy Gregory Carson puts citizen Jon Luman in manacles and an orange jumpsuit, seizes his car and prosecutes him under a misapplied law. Now that a judge has dismissed …
State violence against the people along the roadways is so common that not even gospel ministers object to it. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM The inaction and …
Christopher Dahl works in a downtown tavern and recently was stopped by the police as he left work. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM Mr. Dahl, a libertarian …
City council member Chip Henderson refuses to comment when asked if he knows about the arguments submitted by Mary Alice Crapo in city court in defense against a summons …
In a victory for common sense and the rights of citizens to not have their lawful First Amendment activity chilled by egregious, excessive government security protocols, officials with the …
One would think legal scholars would be knowledgeable in constitutional law, but in Tennessee top legal officials fail the constitutional law test. And they fail miserably. By John Gentry …
City council on Tuesday updates the ordinance pertaining to operators of motor vehicles who use their phones while driving. The update proposed by councilmen Ken Smith and Darrin Ledford …
I, , being of sound mind and body, testify that I live in Hamilton County, Tenn., and hereby further testify of my mistaken understanding of my rights, and of …