Ray Nix, David Tulis talk about arrest
Tennessee has adopted a biblical standard In the prosecution of crimes, a standard which dictates few criminal prosecutions and effectively forbids most of the operation of the police-industrial complex …
Churchian leaders who use Romans 13 to call for obedience to the police are no different than those who call for legalization of sodomite marriage. Such churchian leaders are idolaters, …
A nearly universal response to my arguments for halting most “traffic stops” is this: Your system will create mayhem, chaos and death on the road. A common law legal …
“Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us? The constitutional theory is that we …
I, , being of sound mind and body, testify that I live in Hamilton County, Tenn., and hereby further testify of my mistaken understanding of my rights, and of …
Most people reading this article know what it is like to have the blue and red lights pop up in your rear view mirror. The last thing going through …
The arrest of Red Bank carpenter John Luman is rife with problems visible in the paperwork of a sheriff’s deputy and the grand jury. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio …