The power of the district attorney general is great and he is invested with authority to pursue criminal cases at his discretion. In Hamilton County, DA Neal Pinkston prosecutes …
“I went before the judge, to stand up there to the plate, so the speak. He opened the envelope, read the charges against me — the police report. And …
On May 30 sheriff’s deputy Sgt. Gregory Carson arrested tradesman Jon Luman of Red Bank in private SUV on Morrison Springs Road near the Route 27 underpass. By David …
In a victory for common sense and the rights of citizens to not have their lawful First Amendment activity chilled by egregious, excessive government security protocols, officials with the …
Ray Nix, David Tulis talk about arrest
Tennessee has adopted a biblical standard In the prosecution of crimes, a standard which dictates few criminal prosecutions and effectively forbids most of the operation of the police-industrial complex …
Churchian leaders who use Romans 13 to call for obedience to the police are no different than those who call for legalization of sodomite marriage. Such churchian leaders are idolaters, …
A nearly universal response to my arguments for halting most “traffic stops” is this: Your system will create mayhem, chaos and death on the road. A common law legal …