How can you think straight and make rational decisions when each and everyday you hear conflicting and contradictory information from “authoritative” sources? Andrew Torba / CEO, You can’t. …
In light of the Biden Administration encouraging employers to mandate vaccines in order to retain employment while ironically not requiring vaccination mandates for their own staff, Gab has created a No Vax …
A leading gnome in my labors to help people fight back is Hal Anthony, who runs the Jefferson Mining District in Oregon and three other states. He does the …
My reporting and editorializing on Medium are being deleted as the San Francisco alternative press platform gets cold feet about reporting that undermines the ‘Rona narrative. By David Tulis …
Gov. Lee, Your recent signing of Executive Order 83 has upset Tennesseans and is a bellwether of concern for all Americans. EO 83 calls for major compromises to the …
As Gov. Bill Lee considers the state’s role in proper management of internment camps, he will turn to Centers for Disease Control for advice on how to run them …
. Time to fight .
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Aug. 13, 2021 — The judges at 505 Main St. in Knoxville, in the supreme court building, today grant me four weeks more to file my brief …