Four hundred and forty days ago I gave Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond a notice that will save officers’ lives and reduce a threat to officer safety. The notice …
Transportation stops used to harass blacks, immigrants and the poor are effectively a demand for proof of taxes paid on the exercise of a state privilege or favor. That …
“The Fourth Amendment was designed to stand between us and arbitrary governmental authority. For all practical purposes, that shield has been shattered, leaving our liberty and personal integrity subject …
For mayors and sheriffs, it’s easy to turn a bad practice into a morally neutral policy option. But is it just and right? The deafness of Hamilton County Sheriff …
John H. Thompson, Director United States Census Bureau 4600 Silver Hill Road Washington,
An event sponsored by the mayor’s office lurches hard to the right in a presentation by a celebrity politician whose call for tougher policing and added laws is gently …
The city’s criminal citation of a man accused of walking on the street while the sidewalk is available is an example of how police and officials high-handedly accuse people …
Over decades the people of Tennessee, through their legislature, have written a series of laws to control and regulate commerce on the people’s roads, avenues, highways, boulevards and lanes. …