The following affidavit by Rochelle Gelpin tells of her arrest without probable cause and her being charged with disorderly conduct by Chattanooga police officer Jeff Rahn. She has filed …
The following is an affidavit describing the arrest of Rochelle Gelpin of Chattanooga. It is made by her neighbor, Zaneka Steele. A grand jury issued a “no true bill” …
My talk show on AM 1245 Hot News Talk Radio returns to the air Monday with an attack on an evil practice in Chattanooga — upon a statute that …
The Gnome of Strawberry Plains is a carpenter, 70, who has lived all his life as a private person and who has helped Tennesseans caught in the maw of …
Despite a rancorous campaign season, there is at least one belief that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton share: Americans have far too much liberty when it comes to firearms …
One of the disputes I run with a constitutionalist friend is whether police killings and cop abuse of blacks is a racial issue — or something more significant. I …
It’s comforting to think “I can’t do anything to resist the Central State and its financial Plutocracy,” but it’s not true. There are many of acts of resistance you …
LEBANON, Tenn. (Sept. 23, 2016) – A small-town Tennessee police department recently deployed an automatic license plate reader system that allows officers to collect and store data on the …