Antonio Bell says he is in jail until March 17 under a plea agreement that has him admitting to two misdemeanor counts of retaliation against a judge or officer. …
The arrest of Antonio Bell on Feb. 11 in Chattanooga appears tinged with false report by police, abuse of authority, and appears to be a combination to put a …
The fight to bring Thomas and Carol Gaddy into submission and behind the bars of the Sequatchie County jail has sparked a political challenge to Dunlap mayor Dwain Land, …
Deputies, police surround Gaddy house attempting to make arrest on bench warrant of couple that refuses to allow search without probable cause. An important property rights case where justice …
Thomas and Carol Gaddy of Dunlap, Tenn., are told to report Sequatchie County chancery judge Thomas Graham today at 1 or face arrest under a bench warrant for civil …
By God’s grace Hanson Melvin survives ordeal as victim of rogue cop. He says people should learn from him about standing up for their rights. He regrets that officer …
Chattanooga police officer David Campbell has been fired over his false arrest of Hanson Melvin, 27, of Hixson in a police encounter of “walking while black.” Chief Fred Fletcher …
The blogger with the city’s biggest pen on Monday failed to nail down Andy Berke on the abuse his police department metes out to innocent citizens. That blogger is …