Protesters for as many as 15 days have marched against police violence and unjust courts in Chattanooga while the police have made minor concessions on paper and the city …
Council members give Mayor Berke’s police department 100 percent of its white-bread slice of the city budget Tuesday, a F$71 million allocation from which no one is willing to …
Protesters in Chattanooga rally the 14th time Monday to decry violent and lawless acts by the police department and to focus their strength on pushing the idea of participatory …
A county commission whose members have ignored a longstanding notice of illegal activity by Sheriff Jim Hammond is not eager Wednesday to let citizens unleash their complaints about law …
Across the country this week crowds and elected officials have called for votes to abolish police and their claim on society and life on the streets. By David Tulis …
Seven days of protests against customary violations of due process rights and justice by city and county employees shows the depth of anger among the people in Chattanooga against …
City government has been on notice for more than two years about criminal acts by Mayor Andy Berke’s police department which the mayor refuses to stop but which city …