By Richard Franklin In grade school we were taught that the “New Deal” and the public works programs of FDR saved the country from The Great Depression brought on …
By Franklin Sanders Remember General Nathan Bedford Forrest at the Battle of Brice’s Crossroads, 147 years ago, 10 June, 1864, between here and Tupelo, Miss.. Forrest was the greatest …
Dr. Gary North Parents are pulling their children out of the government schools. This is happening across the USA. In city after city, enrollment is declining. This is not …
If the world wants a solution to instilling public confidence in its universally insolvent banks, it should turn to the lecture notes of Robert J. “Bo” Sudderth and a …
Like it says in the Bible, this, too, shall pass. — Larry Swanson, president, Fidelity Federal Savings Bank, Jan. 4, 1991 By David Tulis A personal attack against a …
Dr. Paul Hein The headline in the Wall Street Journal read: “Fed Weighs More Stimulus.” I was caught by the indecisiveness of it. The Fed is “weighing.” I guess …
By David Snyder In Tennessee’s 3rd congressional district a challenge is being made against the incumbent, Chuck Fleischmann. Weston Wamp, son of former congressman Zach Wamp, has a video …
By David Tulis Homeschooling has been growing here since the 1980s when pioneer families braved prosecution and court action to teach their children in the Christian faith. People are …