The Internet is destroying information monopolies and making it possible for people to be freer in their minds, to have access to a free market in ideas. We have …
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he …
No need to read between lines of Thrive organizers’ statements By David Tulis Hamilton Countians are being stirred to higher things by a three-year government-funded program that is telling …
Several times each night an advertisement comes on television with a young bearded father sitting on the back of a pickup truck with a gun on his lap. He …
One giant blind spot plagues every investor. Whether he’s an individual investor or managing a $10 billion fund, he just cannot see U.S. dollar risk. For some reason people …
By David Tulis My family’s house near the top of a little paradise called Brick Hill is surrounded by forestland. Beyond the surveyor’s posts is wild land owned by …
Step back and behold the big picture: you are watching the death throes of the centralization epoch that began about 1650 with the rise of corporate states. Corporate vs. …
By David Tulis The seizure of bank depositors’ accounts in Cyprus this week is a sobering reminder of the nature of financial systems that have rejected the rules of …