By David Tulis When you mention disintegration, you will find people who bemoan the decline of the U.S.. They see in homosexual rulings out of the supreme court moral …
Deputy A.J. Ross of Rutherford County, Tenn., gives trouble to Chris Kalbaugh, 21, a Middle Tennessee State University junior, in this video posted July 4. Such abuse, said to …
Walter Burien explains how composite or commercial government keeps two sets of books, the budget and the comprehensive annual financial report, or CAFR. This two-hour talk’s first 10 minutes …
The idea of local economy is pleasantly disorienting. It allows unexpected intellectual and spiritual connections that are fruity. Here I point not to a fault, but a virtue. The …
By Franklin Sanders In his book, Stealth of Nations, Robert Neuwirth mentions that the French call the underground economy “System D,” from a French word for people who take …
Complaints about millions of dollars of taxpayer waste at the Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport start in that city, make their way to the governor’s office in Nashville and then eventually …
By David Tulis On the back of the F$1 bill is an engraving of an eagle, a busy bird. On one claw is a clutch of arrows, representing war. …
Every year Chattanooga and Hamilton County publish budgets which discuss the balancing of revenue (from taxation) and expenditures, ostensibly for the good of the client public. Last week Jim …