Four hundred and forty days ago I gave Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond a notice that will save officers’ lives and reduce a threat to officer safety. The notice …
Transportation stops used to harass blacks, immigrants and the poor are effectively a demand for proof of taxes paid on the exercise of a state privilege or favor. That …
CHATTANOOGA, May 6 — An April 7 traffic stop in Chattanooga was upheld under the low “probable cause” standard of evidence and sent to the grand jury for review. …
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., May 8, 2019 — A Chattanooga woman today makes an appearance in a Dalton, Ga., municipal court to clear up the suspension of her driver license. By …
It causes me great concern that the Tennessee General Assembly is derelict in its duty, and in treason to the constitution sworn by members to uphold and ignores my …
For mayors and sheriffs, it’s easy to turn a bad practice into a morally neutral policy option. But is it just and right? The deafness of Hamilton County Sheriff …
Sessions court judge Lila Statom delays a hearing in a criminal case in which the legal establishment is assailing the right of free communication and movement among the working …