CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025 — I explain the origins of traffic tickets and traffic arrests, namely: Commercial privilege extended to business users of the public roads. Traffic stops are privilege management upon people who make a private profit and living on the roads. They are taxed not on property, but are regulated on the calling, privilege or vocation.
Of particular interest in the last third of this interview are the types of questions that the officer cannot answer pertaining to the evidences he’s supposed to have of commercial or regulable activity.

People like Chris O’Brien are jailed in Hamilton County, Tenn., not for actual crimes but for alleged administrative wrongs best suited for a hearing under UAPA, the state’s uniform administrative procedures act. The sheriff’s office that I am suing is criminalizing what are by law administrative and civil allegations. (Photo

Please let me explain this crude chart on the origin of your miserable traffic case — and how to defeat the false claims against you that violate your God-given rights and constitutionally guaranteed liberties.
The cop who criminally charges you in a traffic case — I suggest — is illegally exercising administrative privilege oversight authority belonging exclusively to a state agency, your DMV or, in Tennessee, the department of safety. He’s poaching, in other words, crossing over with his badge into an enforcement area he doesn’t actually have.
He is accusing you of being involved in a business without a tag suspended or revoked, or without a license to do that business, or a license that comes back “revoked” or “suspended.” In other words, an alleged breach of the commercial license oversight of the agency in charge of that privilege. Driving is a privilege, everybody keeps saying. Yes, driving a motor vehicle is a privlege of having the occupation and calling of driving an automobile as a motor vehicle for private profit and gain affecting the public interest.
If you are new to this fight, this presentation of about 90 minutes explains the entirety of the legal landscape in which you find yourself trapped. Listen — you’re not alone, and you can defeat the false claims against you. Take courage. Join the resistance of honest, everyday Americans who’ve “had enough of it.”
My federal lawsuit against Hamilton County over a botche traffic arrest explains the problem and suggests the direction of our remedy against commercial government. This case and may one of the first to properly challenge abusive policing.
Here’s a link to the complaint
David runs a personal nonprofit fighting and mercy ministry. He thanks you for checks sent directly to c/o 10520 Brickhill Lane, Soddy-Daisy, TN 37379. Also at GiveSendGo.
The fighting and mercy reporter at GiveSendGo

I am reporter with Eagle Radio Network — marvelously playing rock hits in Chattanooga, and online at