David Alan Carmichael is the legal activist who has a lifetime stipend from the U.S. Navy after it abused him for having no social security number. (Photo Preservative Talk Radio)
The court ordered the government to issue Larry Lewis a passport without any finding of fact, conclusions of law, or determination on the merits that should have justified the order.
With no judgment on the merits, the miscreant deep state actors are free to violate the rights of other people with plausible deniability that they were not aware of their violating the law. I’ve been busy with drafting letters for people who have been denied their passport renewals even though the file a request for religious accommodation. That is not want I want to do for a living especially since it is pro bono.
In my wife’s case, she applied Dec. 2022. The government asked for more information and cited their website regarding religious accommodations that was published online Feb. 2023. She expounded upon her request in May. After over 100 days of silence, she wrote to Secretary Blinken explaining to him that he needed to direct his subordinates to obey the law and issue her passport. She pointed out that deliberate indifference may make him liable in his private capacity. Hearing nothing, last month she had the Secretary served with a notice and demand to apply the law and issue the passport, demanded damages, and threatened to join our lawsuit. Silence.
I emailed the U.S. Attorney on Tuesday, asking what I should say his intentions were for our pending motion to add two people to the lawsuit. After a couple of exchanges he said, “The Department of State is looking into ways to resolve the issue without litigation.” That very day, they issued my wife’s original passport and she got it three days later.
I am working hard on this appeal. Its way over my head. I have to continue to pursue this issue until judgment so that I don’t spend the rest of my life writing letters for people and drafting complaints, and being the lawyer for these folks because they can’t find or afford a lawyer to do what I am doing.
David’s show is on NoogaRadio Network on Wednesday at 10 a.m. Eastern time. He lives in eastern Virginia.