OBJECTION TO COMPLAINT DISMISSAL(01/06/2023), and copies of “clear and convincing evidence” provided in support of complaint

February 14, 2023
Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct
c/o Dee David Gay, Board Chair
403 Seventh Ave., North, Room 202
Nashville, TN 37243 Tel. 615-685-6156
Dear Mr. Gay, I object to the Board of Judicial Conduct’s dismissal of my complaint against Lawrence County circuit court judge David Allen.
You stated in your letter of January 6, 2023, that my complaint lacked “evidence that is clear and convincing.”
Please find enclosed clear evidence that Judge Allen knowingly, willfully and intentionally aided and abetted a fraud perpetrated by the Department of Safety, whereby a fictitious driver license was fabricated in my name out of thin air (#133629637), and then suspended (i.e., criminalized).
The enclosed copy of the recent letter from the attorney general’s office supports the exculpatory evidence admitted at trial which proved that there was ZERO EVIDENCE that a valid driver license was ever issued, and that I was subject to the charging statutes on 07/29/2017. Judge Allen was fully and completely aware of the fabricated false evidence that I had spelled out with particularity in numerous pleadings in my case file (#36138), including a copy of my FBI complaint.
Judge Allen arbitrarily rejected ALL exculpatory evidence presented at trial and convicted me on all three charges “beyond a reasonable doubt” while citing NO FACTS or LAW for his ruling.
The system is broken, Mr. Gay. There’s no rule of law anymore. Just ask the thousands of injured victims of the court system what they think.
Arthur jay Hirsch
● Intrinsic fraud occurs “within the subject matter of the litigation, ” and it includes such things as falsified evidence, forged documents, or perjured testimony. Whitaker v. Whirlpool Corp., 32 S.W.3d at 230.
● “If it were a case of intrinsic fraud, the court would clearly have no jurisdiction of the case.” New York Life Ins.v. Nashville Trust Co.et al, 292 S.W.2d 749, 200 Tenn. 513 (04/27/56).
Take notice that Judge Allen intentionally omitted listing the driver license # and issue date on all three enclosed judgment order forms which alleged the “suspended driver license” violation and associated charges. The reason? They don’t exist-in-fact.
The Board has been notified of Judge Allen’s other trial violations of due process, disregard for the rule of law, and fraud on the court in my previous paperwork. Yet, predictably, you see no evil.
It’s well known that the Board rarely ever sanctions judges, notwithstanding the hundreds of complaints that are filed by aggrieved complainants each year. Almost always, judicial misconduct is shielded by the so-called “absolute immunity” doctrine, and by judge Board members reviewing citizen complaints against their fellow judges and bar association buddies (i.e., foxes guarding the hen house). It’s clearly an inherent conflict of interest, and the idea of “preserving the integrity of the judicial system,” when abuse is rampant, is self-serving propaganda to fool the masses. The system is broken, Mr. Gay. There’s no rule of law anymore. Just ask the thousands of injured victims of the court system what they think. Federal judge, Edith Jones, has been quoted as saying that the American judicial system is so broken that it is “unrecognizable.”
Until the unconstitutional Board is dissolved and the legislature or citizens are appointed to review judicial complaints there can be no expectation of judicial accountability. You may be interested in knowing that a redress of grievance is before the legislature regarding this matter.
This application seeks immediate dissolution of the unconstitutional Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct on the ground it clearly violates Tennessee Constitution, Article 6 § 7, i.e., judges holding prohibited office, to wit,
● Art. 6, § 7. The judges of the Supreme or Inferior Courts, shall, at stated times, receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, which shall not be increased or diminished during the time for which they are elected. They shall not be allowed any fees or perquisites of office nor hold any other office of trust or profit under this state or the United States.
Mr. Gay, I request that the Board reopen my complaint referenced above and review it in light of the evidence enclosed herein.
Arthur Jay Hirsch, 1029 W. Gaines Street, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
AG letter is proof of safety department fraud