Jessica Hedgcock is mom of five children, including a “million-dollar baby,” Charlton, born with grave disabilities for whom she has had to fight to obtain care.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 96.9 FM
Mrs. Hedgcock is being charged with criminal trespass for insisting on keeping her appointment at Cleveland Imaging, north of Chattanooga in Bradley County. On word of her arrest, more than 40 protesters gathered at an intersection of a major boulevard near the clinic to picket and were expressing anger in public before she was freed by the sheriff without posting bond or signing any document.
A probable cause hearing the following Monday was canceled for no clear reason, and Mrs. Hedgcock says the charge may be dropped. On Tuesday she speaks to her Bradley County commission, aggrieved that its members are not willing to stand up more aggressively for the rights of the citizens.
Significantly, she refers to the need to establish a personal administrative record to defy legal presumption in combating the insanity of “mask mandates” and the like. She also refers to the doctrine of the lesser magistrate whereby local officials are empowered by duty under Romans 13 to defy evil edicts from superior officials, as defense of godliness and liberty in the locale.
Demand for due process
CLEVELAND, Tenn., Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022 — We take a break in our school day today to come down here to set rumor and the record straight. There have been rumors saying I planned and staged my arrest. That is simply not the case.
By Jessica Hedgcock
And only after I was arrested and allowed to make phone calls did I know that people were organizing a protest on my arrest. I was flattered to know that an initial texting of two friends that morning turned into five or six moms whom were so upset by my treatment that they made calls to local community groups that I am NOT apart of.
They asked them to protest the situation that took place at Cleveland Imaging. I met many people at the protest that I had never met in my life and I appreciated their support to stand up in truth.
What happened at Cleveland Imaging was a mom who stood firm in her rights of due process . I do have mask/shield exemptions, but does that mean I hand over my medical and religious documentation everywhere I go to only then wear a yellow star.
The record shows I kindly urged staff for due process in the law, that according to the quarantine and isolation statutes 68-5-104 quarantine and isolation you can’t treat a person as if they are sick unless you have a report on that person. I quoted the TN statue to the staff multiple times asking if they had a report on my person. They told me they did not know if I was an agent of contagion.
Inhumane med practitioners under fraud
This fraud of lawful due process is what I’m here protesting today. What I have encountered over the past two years has been a damaging police state or “policy” state. It’s been cruel and inhumane. The policies which businesses claim to be “necessary” ; not seeing your child with your spouse after giving birth, not having a loved one as a support person for surgery. Not being allowed to have a pastor come and pray with you. The list goes on. I understand this being thrust into the medical world with my million dollar press reported baby.
Their can be no just laws if fraud occurred before. The record shows back in July of last year I wrote Brittney Hopkins at the health department a certified letter asking if they had a report on my person. The letter sent back gives me no indication whatsoever that I am an agent of contagion.
Why is Bradley county complicit in fraud?
The Bible talks about sin and I myself Am not blameless. I do acknowledge that. However We must listen to Gods word and turn from our wicked ways.
I do believe that in my boldness in asking about the fraud of due process in Bradley county, speaking in past commissioners & GOP meetings and making recent FOIA requests is why I am targeted.
FBI harassment
We have had 3 calls from the FBI over the past 6 weeks and a personal unannounced visit to our home from an FBI official.
Why is it then when Bradley county taxpayers try to report crimes or fraud in their area, local officials silence them. Commissioners don’t respond to emails when people want to get on the agenda and mayors don’t return calls in which living men and living women are trying to help keep Bradley out of the red.
Just because Nashville was hasty in tossing our liberties to the wolves does not mean Bradley county should do the same.
My call to you today is for you to Interpose. Be the greater lesser magistrates. Make a resolution that you will not restrict or harm anyone’s freedom of movement without lawful due process. That medical needs emergent AND non-emergent is a civil right and that Bradley county will not allow property owners to restrict peoples freedom of movement and harm their action without lawful due process. Medical decisions whether it be wearing masks, medical devices, testing, treatment, or inoculations let that remain sacred to our doctor patient relationships.
Denying people care is wrong
We are stepping into dangerous uncharted territory where we are willing to deny people medical care because it’s not emergent. What happens when their are no places left to go.
I know for myself I still am unsure where in the entire state of TN I now can go to get my ultrasound. If everyone has policies that require me to hop skip and jump in such a proper fashion that I don’t meet their standards shall I never get my doctor ordered treatment.
I gave birth to a child with a tumor literally larger than his head so when my doctor tells me you have multiple nodules and they probably will want to biopsy, I listen and I try to go get them checked out. It appears to date Bradley county prefers to engage in fear porn of this so-called CV 19 pandemic.
I hope and pray you choose to have courage and follow due process before remaining complicit in this fraud.