Today before the county commission I will speak for 109 people signing a “Remonstrance against Hamilton County commission for violating Tenn. Code Ann.§ 68-5-104, rejecting God-given immunity, self-help among people to protect against illness,” a seven-page exhortation and rebuke against Hamilton County government.

The remonstrance was submitted in writing Monday, with two exhibits and the 109 signatures, with the originals signed pages going to commission chairman Sabrena Smedley.
The document demands an instant halt to use of the fraudulent polymerase chain reaction technique, which is used as a test to diagnose whether a person is “positive” or SARS-CoV-2. It was not designed for such use, and is knowingly and intentionally misused to generate false positives. It demands the immediate end of the jab program, which is administered without informed consent being given to any of the recipients, with no liability for harm accruable to Pfizer or other drugmakers.
It also demands that, to show good faith and to end all bad faith malicious activity, the county set up a data collection administration for “vaccine adverse events” like that run by the FDA, the VAERS portal, and that it widely publicize the facilities of its health authority at Erlanger medical center for aid, mercy and care. The hospital is a ready participant in the death cult, promoting the known iatrogenic disaster of intubation and Remdesivir, a hugely expensive drugs that kills half the people who take it with mass organ failure. Erlanger refuses to allow doctors to make their own decisions about medical care that works, starting with Ivermectin and other proven remedies.
The VAERS site indicates that more than 15,000 Americans have already perished from the shots, often with freakish and terrifying symptoms, such as inflamed and enlarged hearts, spasms and shudders, and ovaries turned into toxic spike protein factories. Global reporting indicates that people who take the jab become toxic emitters of the spike proteins, and carry gigantic loads of virus in their throats.
David Tulis remonstrates HamCo commission in a 14-minute address
The VAERs site is manipulated, complicated, time consuming and corporate bosses in the medical and reimbursement rackets forbid staff people from making report of CV-19 shot deaths and harms for fear of blowback.
Except for Tulis Report, on the radio and at this site, the entire “media community” in Hamilton County has suppressed the real story and propagandized for the elite abuser classes profiting off the pandemic and the purported solution to it.
State-based terror

Hamilton County government is participant in breach of the Terrorism Prevention and Response Act of 2002 at Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-13-801. This law forbids acts “intended, directly or indirectly, to: (A) Intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (B) Influence the policy of a unit of government by intimidation or coercion; or (C) Affect the conduct of a unit of government by murder, assassination, torture, kidnapping, or mass destruction.”
For sure, Hamilton County corporation has participated in admitted violation of law that has tended to “intimidate or coerce a civil population,” that’s us 109 remonstrants and the rest of the people, bewildered and alarmed at the continuing pseudo-threat of “Covid-19,” a bioweapon developed with U.S. taxpayer funding the harm of which, in most cases, is a cold or mild flu, a 99.9-plus survival rate.
When will the criminal charges be coming? Fraud is still a crime, isn’t it? Or, is this corporation chartered for crime against the People of Tennessee, attempting to live at the county of Hamilton?