County government is boldly moving forward on a public fraud known as “Covid-19 pandemic” by pitching unapproved jabs for children and giving away CV-19 test kits to be used 3x a week.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
Becky Barnes, health department administrator, says children as young as 12 are “eligible” for the shots.
“Expanding Pfizer COVID-19 eligibility to everyone ages 12-15 is an exciting step in immunization efforts across the state,” says Mrs. Barnes. “We hope parents and guardians will make it a family event and bring the entire family to one of the many vaccination locations available in Hamilton County.”
The health department wants families to become vaccine central:
The CDC updated its clinical guidance for vaccine administration for all ages and COVID-19 vaccines can be given on the same day as other routine vaccines instead of waiting 14 days.
To keep the scare going, the department is giving out “free” so-called “test kits” for the CV-19 complex of conditions that are like the common cold or flu.
“Let’s take advantage of this opportunity and commit to testing 3 times per week for a healthier community,” Mayor Jim Coppinger says.
“This is a great opportunity for Hamilton County residents to have access to free, at-home rapid tests to help stop both symptomatic and asymptomatic spread in our community,” says Dr. Fernando Urrego. “This is a chance for us to be an example for others to follow.”

This lady appears to be a terrorist — a domestic terrorist.