Both hands are skilled in doing evil; the ruler demands gifts, the judge accepts bribes, the powerful dictate what they desire— they all conspire together. The best of them is like a brier, the most upright worse than a thorn hedge. The day God visits you has come, the day your watchmen sound the alarm. Now is the time of your confusion. — Micah: 7:3,4
There is no outrage regarding the abusive treatment of my petition for writ of mandamus in chancery court. Tennesseans are 356 days into the so-called “pandemic,” and have not thrown off an illegal regime.

By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
My extensive reporting on this story has generated no perceptible ripple in Hamilton County society or beyond.
However, State ex rel Tulis has met with principled resistance by unjust judge Pamela Fleenor.
To go around her, a CV-19 victim in any other of the state’s 95 counties could file the same petition, and perhaps obtain a writ of mandamus ending the CV-19 state of emergency since my case is lawlessly bogged down.
Despair, acceptance reign
I surmise the reasons for indifference and lack of protest and indignation comes from a general sense of despair.
People may be frustrated and upset, but they think that it doesn’t matter, that nothing can be done about the abuse, that nothing can be reversed, that liberty cannot be restored, that Coronavirus 19 is “the new normal,” as we’ve been propagandised into believing, that judicial malfeasance and maladministration are to be expected in support of the day’s latest endreadment on TV and in the press.
Parallel attacks?
Other steps can be done. One could demand from legislators that Judge Fleenor be impeached. One could file complaint against her lawyer credentials. Against Becky Barnes at the health department, one could file a criminal complaint, as she is admitting violation of a state law.
That nothing can be done to assist my cause, to impeach the judge, to file complaints against her with the judicial ethics commission, moves made administratively to disbar her, a protest at her church at Lookout Mountain presbyterian or otherwise make her life miserable are all things outside the view and pale of public interest.
At best, these are ideas. Possible approaches. Things to consider.
But without means to make them happen, without people to propel them.
This state of quiet says much about the heart among people concerned about the Constitution and right-sized and right-aimed civil authority. There is no heart for combat. Complaining on social media, perhaps, posting memes. But no desire for redress, remonstrance or address.
There is not a sense that, let down by Republicans and Democrats, the people can take matters into their own hands peaceably to overthrow the wrong.
I’m not asking anybody to help me in my legal wranglings. I’m not expecting anyone to come to a hearing, or attend a phone hearing. On the Jan. 11 phone hearing, the lines were all taken up by allies and supporters, and a cutoff of 15 people on the webex system blocked people wanting to hear. But I’m not demanding public interest because I know people are stressed and busy.
What I am asking for is a sense that we are as Hamilton County residents are in the fight together, and that we will not let tyranny become normal, administrative fiat become that under which we live without protest, that we will not accept being the object of power apart from due process.
Before I started the case against Gov. Lee and Mrs. Barnes I realized that I am in this fight entirely alone, and I am happy pursuing justice and liberty. Several have given me extremely generous gifts of cash and check in support. A page at GoFundMe has netted more than F$4,000 in donations to keep me afloat.
I am truly grateful.
Overall, however, is this sense of acceptance of evils, this warmth of feeling that is yet unkindled into an open blaze.

Because the constructive-fraud rewards them, why would they be outraged by those circumstances, while the People being defrauded, don’t seem to mind.