A homeschool family with five children and dozen other people take part today in a protest against mask rules and abusive rules by governments in Tennessee and across the globe.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
Kristina Buyno of Ringgold, Ga., and her five children sat on the wall in front of the county courthouse in Chattanooga with signs against masks and for President Trump.
“I don’t have anything against the masks,” says her son, Josiah, 13. “We just think it’s wrong to be forced to wear one. Something behind it, the compulsion, just drives me insane, that it’s all for power. They are trying some way to get Trump out of the office.”
The 17 people are 1 / 21,635th of the population of Hamilton County, and the protest today is the sixth since the March 12 overthrow of state government by Bill Lee via executive order. The first two were on the Market Street bridge, three here at the courthouse and one that was to have occurred at the waterfront Nov. 1.
“The government — they don’t take away your rights all at once,” says Chris Parker, who runs a business support business, Alliance Web Services. “They chisel away, one piece at a time. I don’t think it’s ever been more evident than it is in 2020, that they think they can tell us to wear a mask, even if we are in a privately owned business, going about our daily lives. It’s just not constitutional. It’s just not ethical that we have to wear a mask, that we have to obey these sorts of mandates that have no precedent in law.”
Ashley Kaye, the organizer, is “protesting against unconstitutional mask mandates. I refuse to live in fear. Jim Coppinger and Andy Berke are trying to control us and getting us to submit. But the people are not going to submit because we know our rights and we live in a free country.”
Miss Kaye, a Chatt state graphics design student, runs an FB page called Chattanooga Patriots. Sign up to find out about the next protest.
