Pamela Fleenor, right, a chancery court judge and a Republican Party member, rejects the main promise of her court: Equity. She has sat on the Tulis petition for writ of mandamus for three months. It is an emergency petition that law and equity require to be handled in 10 days. (Photo Pam Fleenor on FB)
SODDY-DAISY, Tenn. — Chief Justice Bivins, I am writing to urge you to reconsider David Tulis’ demand for supervision of judge Pam Fleenor, who is not following proper procedures for hearing his case. I am following the case in local media and am very disturbed by her actions which reveal her partiality.
By Chelsea Wells
Justice Fleenor must obey the rule of law, honor godly rules of equity, and issue the writ of mandamus immediately to stop further irreparable harm to the state and the people.
I am a stay at home mom who has sincere religious convictions that each person is fearfully and wonderfully made, that those who are perfectly healthy should not be treated as though they are sick, and that we all have natural, God-given rights which do not disappear when the governor declares a state of emergency.
For me, the most difficult part of these lockdowns and mandates has been the uncertainty of how far the governor and health departments will go to abuse their power during this state of emergency.
[This is the sort of letter I am asking you to write to chief justice Jeff Bivins about our case to end the CV-19 state of terror, State of Tennessee ex rel David Tulis, unjustly treated by judge Pamela Fleenor. Write your letter today. Chief Justice Jeff Bivins, TN Supreme Court, 401 7th Ave. North, Nashville, TN 37219-1407. — DJT]
Will our governor unlawfully decide to lock us down again until we are all living in abject poverty? How long will he continue allowing mayors to impose unlawful mask mandates? There is a mask mandate in my county, and although my religious convictions preclude mask wearing, my endless attempts to reason with my county mayor either to end this unconstitutional mandate or clarify a religious exemption have fallen on deaf ears.
My husband works hard to provide for me and our two children (soon to be three), and he has seen a big downturn in sales due to the economic volatility of these times. If the governor and health departments can continue their tyrannical rule unchecked and indefinitely, it will be a grave miscarriage of justice, and you and Justice Fleenor will be accountable.
Thank you for taking the time to read my concerns, and I appreciate your leadership.
The Tulis Report is 1 p.m. weekdays, live and lococentric.
David Tulis reports for Eagle Radio Network and on, covering local economy and free markets in Chattanooga and beyond. Nothing here is legal advice; if you want legal advice, find a law firm downtown or on another planet — where the law actually matters.