Masks on faces muffle speech and convert men and women into chimpanzees with bulging noses, mouths and chins and receding eyes.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
Handsome men are blanked out. Pretty women have only winking eyes with which to communicate and — are ugly in the hiding, not alluring.
By mask mandates and the CV-19 “governmental response,” we have been converted from men and women into moofs.
Moofs are people who wear masks.
They wear them in cars alone. They wear them walking in open air by themselves. They wear them in stores. They put them on in their cars before they get to the front door of a store with a mask policy they intend to honor. They read mask notices on doors of retail outlets and believe that these rules apply to them, and go in dutifully bearing their chin diaper.
Some work behind the scenes to enforce mask policy. Others are reporters and media people who were chin diapers in broadcasts or who don chin diapers in Zoom meetings to keep up appearances.
Some moofs are important, such as Sen. Todd Gardenhire, a participant in pandemic theatre like most of his colleagues in the general assembly.
There is little hope from Sen. Gardenhire or Rep. Robin Smith of any resistance to the absolutist administrative state imposed upon us by Gov. Bill Lee, their party head in Tennessee.
Do they believe in law and order, in honest government, in a state submissive to the limits placed upon the state by the constitution?
No. They are aiders and abettors, and are so in their best nature, their best intent, their best goodwill, for the good of all. Not even my affidavit of fact in my case to stop the CV-19 overthrow of government makes any difference. Even if they’ve read it, it cannot apply to them, and while it may be a statement of fact, it drives them not to reform and resolve.
It’s just noise and wind, and there’s nothing they can do but tell you they hope you stay safe.

If those who wear masks are moofs, then those who refuse to wear them are do-faces (alternatively spelled doofuses).