A Bible-toting Tennessee county mayor is opting for liberty after Gov. Bill Lee’s “grant of authority” to county mayors and health departments to ordain the wearing of chin diapers.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
Loudon County mayor Buddy Bradshaw, after enjoying on Saturday a 4th of July in which he was seen toting a black-leather bound Bible, says that he is sworn to uphold the constitutions of the people of Tennessee and of the United States.
“I also feel liberties and freedoms do not disappear in broad strokes but are chiseled away in small pieces. I have put much thought and prayer into my decision about the mandating of masks for residents and visitors in Loudon County and have decided not to act on the authority granted. I feel wearing a mask in public is a decision and choice to be made by the individual and the owners and managers of the many businesses in Loudon County.”
People must decide for themselves, he says. “If a business chooses to or to not require masks, then that is their decision. A resident or visitor can then make their decision if they wish to do business at that establishment. The government has no right to infringe upon this decision and I will not participate in a mandate that I feel over reaches my authority and furthermore is impossible to enforce.”
The overwhelming majority of the 510 comments posted on the mayor’s FB page are positive.
“Thank you for taking your oath of office seriously and not joining the crowd of government overreach,” says Allen Kreuger. “This makes me proud to be a resident of Loudon County. Great decision and great leadership.”
Says mask wearer Missy Owens, “Honestly, it’s our constitutional right and that is being protected by allowing us to choose. You make the choice that’s appropriate for you and your family.”
Says Jerry Bolgren, “Will wear masks. But the explanation of your decision warrants applause. As these circumstances continue to evolve, I’m sure your decision will be under constant review.”
‘I have taken two oaths in my life’

What this mayor in Loudon County is doing is exactly what King Lee should have done.
Instead of putting the decision about mandatory face masks in the hands of mayors, he should have put that decision in the hands of the people. In my opinion Gov. Lee needs to sit down with a copy of the constitution and read it.
He forgets this is a constitutional republic, not a monarchy or democracy.