Certified Mail No. 7019 0700 0000 6743 7061
Mayor Jesse Turner, Loretto city hall, 415 North Military St., Loretto, TN 38469, Jan. 17, 2020
Dear Mr. Turner, I am an investigative reporter working to reduce police encounters with members of the public and to save officers’ lives. The biggest physical danger to officers is not domestic disputes in people’s living room stoops and kitchens, but traffic stops. That is according to National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Fund in its report, “Making It Safer: A Study of Law Enforcement Fatalities Between 2010-2016,” pp. 38-42.
By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 FM
A second goal of my work promoting the rule of law is to halt a longstanding abuse by police against members of the American public.

I own the Sean Hannity news-talk-sports station NoogaRadio 92.7 FM in Chattanooga, the CBS Radio affiliate and a noisy pro-constitution and pro-Trump station. I give a daily economy and law report at 1 p.m. eastern time available on NoogaRadio.com.
The enclosed document is an administrative notice to you personally and to fellow Loretto officers. Its 20 pages might be a real education for one who has police officers on payroll.
Transportation administrative notice Tennessee deals with the use of highways by two groups of people, including you and members of your family.
The largest group: Private travelers and private users of the road. The remaining 20 percent are people who use the roadway for private profit and gain in the privileged activity of transportation.
Administrative notice lays out the distinction in law between travel and transportation. Travel is private and for pleasure. Transportation by a person operating a motor vehicle under state privilege is for profit and makes the American free market capitalist system hum and prosper.
The problem I bring to your attention is the abuse of the police power against private individuals who have suffered at the hands of the Loretto police department as members of the free traveling public for whom the entire road infrastructure in Lawrence County has been built.
It’s not so much officers’ throwing citizens to the tarmac and bloodying and cursing them. That would be bad enough, even if their traffic stops were legal. It’s your officers’ acting outside the scope of the statute. In law this activity is called ultra vires and falls under the state’s criminal oppression statute.
Sir, you are aware of an activist judiciary on the national level — denying states their rights, imposing abortion on the people, allowing illegal surveillance of all your digital communications, sanctioning inflation to fund overseas wars. Tennessee judges are also activist. They, too, misconstrue laws and impose policies that deprive us of our constitutional rights.
The main fiction put forth by the Tennessee courts of appeal is that there is no right to travel apart from the relocation of one’s domicile from one state to another. That’s correct. That’s the only form of travel the court recognizes. No right to travel even in the exercise of rights of religion, free speech, bearing arms — you name it.
This is an evil system that allows for police enforcement of the freight, shipping, hauling, traffic, busing, trucking and transportation statutes at Tennessee Code Ann. Title 55 and 65 upon people who are not involved in freight, shipping, hauling, traffic, busing, transportation or trucking. Your department has violently attacked people on the road.
Peril of aggravated violation of law
I am bringing to you this enclosed transportation administrative notice to put you on awares of the limits and disability of the law and your liability for actions by police.
I’m also enclosing an article that explains how notice works to apprise a party of fact, law or duty.
Once Loretto has been put on administrative notice about the limits of the statute, I suggest, any breach of the statute that violates an individual’s constitutionally guaranteed rights is grounds for tort action.

Notice eliminates a major municipal legal defense by injecting the element of aggravation and bad faith.
It is with all due respect that I give you this notice, intending only your good and the blessings of people who live in or near Loretto or who pass through Loretto. Again, I am a journalist and member of the press concerned about constitutional liberty. I’m not an attorney, don’t give legal advice, don’t practice law and don’t run a law business. For legal advice about the claims of this notice, consult a lawyer.
Are you determined to obey the constitution and respect the people’s rights? Will you mind your oath to be faithful to God by upholding your duty of protection? Consider practices in your police department. Move to reduce dangerous encounters among your officers and move to legally protect yourselves and your town. Respectfully yours, etc.
CC Ray Methvin, vice-mayor; Steve McMasters, alderman; Bobby Joe Killen, police chief