Facebook is blocking my posts to the 92.7 NoogaRadio FB page the second day in a row. This morning I attempted to post 3 items to our main FB stream before I realized that nothing was getting through. After each set of steps, however, I am assured that the item is successfully posted.
By David Tulis / 92.7 FM NoogaRadio
I am being ”shadow banned” by the platform. But the system blocks me most boldly, unlike its treatment of others. These others, less blessed than me, see their posts posted, and think they are getting out, but they are blocked from being seen by others. Mine are not visible even to me. So I am being sternly rebuked, somehow, by invisible mechanisms, but intending to be understood by Mr. Zuckerburg and his staff.
Today is the second day in a row of being blocked by FB censors. Yesterday, I made nearly a dozen posts from my news feed to the radio station FB page, and none appeared. For three or four I had taken the time to write commentary to benefit our Facebook visitors and, presumably, my radio station’s fan base.
Below is my sequence of steps to put a post about abortion on our FB page. The blockage is not internal — say, a fight among administrators we have assigned and one of them is spiking my work. It is external to my press outlet — from the FB censors themselves, either human or digital.
Oh, the woes of a reporter in an age of monolithic controls of platforms. FB is taking more time than its worth. It’s close to being a waste of time.
Our real power in the marketplace is 92.7 FM and 95.3 FM HD4. Please support my platform and patronize our radio advertisers.
Support this blog and my 1 – 3 p.m. weekday show on 92.7 NoogaRadio by going to GoFundMe and making a free gift. I am grateful for your interest in my ministry and your support of my effort to encourage godly reform and constitution-fearing government in Chattanooga, Hamilton County and places beyond.
Facebook blocks harmless, innocent David Tulis

Step one, sending a post to the radio station FB page, a page I manage.

I select to send the post to the neutral NoogaRadio station as David Tulis or Nooganomics.com

My comment about unborn babies, etc. Specific content doesn’t matter, whether “left” or “right.” The censor is not going to let me say anything. 2nd day.

Here is our NoogaRadio main page, a few minutes after I am told my post is successfully posted. Hey — it’s not there.