A well insulated sky gets a streak of reinforcement as the U.S. dulls the sun over Hamilton County, Tenn., in a purported war on climate change. (Photo David Tulis)

A jet lays a string of coal fly ash over Soddy-Daisy in a program that carries on in secret, to the detriment of human populations on the ground, according to scientist J. Marvin Herndon. (Photo David Tulis)

Persistent trails in the sky are a sign of important governmental activity to alter weather patterns, apparently in a program that policy circles pretend is merely theoretical and a possibility. (Photo David Tulis)

Water condensation trails or emissions of waste product from the U.S. coal utility industry? Science points to deliberate emissions that alter sunlight and evaporation patterns, as seen in Soddy-Daisy, Tenn. (Photo David Tulis)

Gray skies like this over the Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., walking track result from heavy jet treatment when conditions are right for the haze to persist over the city of Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis)
Nuclear geoscientist J. Marvin Herndon in a new paper examines the dust laid in long white stripes across the skies of Hamilton County and Chattanooga and places like it across the globe.
By David Tulis / Noogaradio 1240 AM 92.7 FM
The maverick senior scientist in San Diego in 2015 broke the story regarding the use of coal fly ash as the aerosol materials cast aloft that dim the sun, create hazy cloud cover and serve unknown other purposes in the breathable air over the United States.
The activity has been varied over Hamilton County extensively this year, with a sharp dip the month Donald Trump took office. In January, jets dumped trails of white material over Chattanooga seven days. In February, 11. In March 10, in April 10 days, in May 6 days, and in June to date 12 days.
Writing in the “Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International,” Dr. Herndon and a colleague, Mark Whiteside, who works at the Florida department of health in Key West, say they have “further evidence of coal fly ash utilization in tropospheric geoengineering: implications on human and environmental health.” The paper was published in February.
The authors establish the federal government’s record of disregard for civilian populations subject to effects of military tests. They cite military detonations and persistent silence as to the effective nuclear dust upon pregnant women and newborns in the 1950s and 1960s. These tests ended as a result of public outrage over the incorporation of strontium-90 in the bones and teeth of children, at a risk of their good health.

J. Marvin Herndon is a San Deigo nuclear geoscientist who doesn’t take federal money, and who is able to speak out about government-sponsored pollution programs.
The new danger to the public descends upon cities, fields, organic vegetable patches, swimming pools, neighborhoods, parks, downtown boulevards, resort towns, drinking water reservoirs and the like from jet emission of harmful micron-sized dust particles, they report
How artificial haze works on the weather
“These injections of dust are in the troposphere, where weather occurs. The dust particles and their effects are known from pollution studies, the scientists say. The methodology *** The methodology to inhibit rainfall is known from pollution studies and involves spraying micron or submicron pollution particles into the region where clouds form to interfere with moisture droplets coalescing to become sufficiently massive to form rain drops. Since the late 1990s, numerous witnesses have observed particulate trails sprayed by jet-aircraft across the sky. Soon after being released, the trails start to spread out, sometimes briefly appearing similar to cirrus clouds before further spreading to leave a white haze in the sky. There has been a deliberate effort to deceive the public into believing that the particulate trails are jet contrails made of ice crystals.”
Contrails are innocuous showings of hot jet engines through regions of air that are very cold and moist. “Contrails do not routinely leave a persistent white haze in the sky as does particulate spraying, which in instances of heavy aerial spraying takes on a brownish hue.”
Into the details
What follows is a discussion of a study of snow melt from March 31, 2016, at Pearson Wisc.
“The results of the analytical measurements of the snow-melt particulates, as described here are consistent with three independent lines of evidence that coal fly ash is the main aerosolized particulate. This is also consistent with the economics and logistics of near-daily, near-global tropospheric spraying. Coal fly ash is a major industrial waste product that in Western nations must be trapped and sequestered. As trapped it is composed of micron and submicron size grains. Coal-burning utilities possess the necessary production facilities for electrostatic trapping coal fly ash. These extant facilities might even with little difficulty add cyclone classifiers (separators) to further separate an ultrafine product. These facilities are out of public view and possess the transportation infrastructure necessary for receiving coal deliveries, which can as well be used to deliver coal fly ash to air bases.”
Coal fly ash’s ‘desirable properties’
Coal fly ash “has desirable properties for weather/ climate alteration. Coal fly ash retards the nucleation of rain not only by interfering with moisture droplet coagulation, but also by absorbing moisture. Sprayed into the troposphere, coal fly ash retards heat loss from the earth and warms the atmosphere. As the typically dark ash settles on ice and snow it absorbs heat and changes the albedo. All of these properties suggest that one effect of the ongoing tropospheric geoengineering, whether intended or not, is to intensify the warming of the planet. The aerosolized coal fly ash also increases the electrical conductivity of atmospheric moisture, which may be of interest to those involved in electromagnetic radiation activities.” [citations omitted]. “
Dr. Herndon says that geoengineering with aerosolized coal fly ash — with its large number of toxic heavy metal elements — adversely affects the environment and “adversely affects environmental and public health in a plethora of ways.”
But the authors offer a review of the dangers starting with a disruption of weather patterns. “One major purpose of coal fly ash tropospheric geoengineering is to inhibit rainfall either to change weather/climate or to deliberately cripple an agricultural economy and inflict hardship and suffering. Concerted tropospheric geoengineering with coal fly ash disrupts habitats, including habitats where humans have found arable conditions. Long periods of artificially induced drought can wreak economic disaster on farmers, and shift the delicate balance in nature, weakening natural defenses and giving a boost to aggressive pathogens, such as extreme-tolerant fungi.
“Added to soil coal fly ash can alter the pH and release readily leached toxins such as aluminum in a chemically mobile form which is detrimental to many plants and animals, including humans. Coal fly ash is an unnatural product which when exposed to water or body fluids can release a host of toxic chemicals including aluminum in a chemically mobile form. Aluminum is associated with and implicated in human neurological diseases, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Aluminum is similarly involved in neurological disorders of bees, rats, rabbits and presumably other creatures. Aluminum is also thought to decrease male fertility.
“Yet aluminum is but one of a number of toxic heavy-metal elements contained in coal fly ash that can be extracted by water or by body moisture; these include, for example, carcinogens such as arsenic, hexavalent chromium, and the radioactive elements, uranium, thorium and their daughter products.”
“Evidence indicates that coal fly ash has been being sprayed into the troposphere for at least 15 years, and, because the covert nature of the operation, there have been virtually no public health and environmental health investigations in the scientific literature, a situation the authors believe the scientific community should no longer ignore” [citations omitted].
‘Chemically mobile form’ of aluminum: The autism, Alzheimer links
Scientists should be “good stewards of our planet and strive to improve the human condition,” they say. “Such a fundamental moral orientation makes it imperative to be publicly forthright about the risks entailed by technologies such as tropospheric geoengineering. *** One consequence of coal fly ash tropospheric geoengineering is to inhibit rainfall to change weather and/or climate. Concerted tropospheric geoengineering with coal fly ash disrupts habitats, including arable habitats.
“Long periods of artificially induced drought can wreak economic disaster on farmers, and shift the delicate balance in nature, weakening natural defenses and giving a boost to aggressive pathogens. Coal fly ash is an unnatural product which when exposed to water or body fluids can release a host of toxic chemicals including aluminum in a chemically mobile form which is implicated in or associated with human neurological diseases, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. Aluminum is similarly involved in neurological disorders of bees, rats, rabbits and presumably many other creatures.
“Coal fly ash contains a number of toxic heavy metal elements that can be extracted by water or by body moisture; these include, for example, carcinogens such as arsenic, hexavalent chromium, and the radioactive elements, uranium, thorium and their daughter products.”
Drs. Herndon and Whiteside doubt the credibility and ethical makeup of the national government and its employees. “The only safe geoengineering is no geoengineering at all.”
Source: http://www.nuclearplanet.com/mw1.pdf
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